Latest posts tagged with progress report

By Phantom (1 Sep 2024)
Our new website has officially launched!
By Phantom (1 Jul 2024)
We're back! And as promised, this time around we're introducing two exciting new projects!
By Phantom (1 May 2024)
Time for yet another progress report!
By Phantom (1 Mar 2024)
And just like that, March is here! How has the new year been treating you? Here’s how we’ve been getting on…
By Phantom (1 Nov 2023)
The season for spooks has come and gone, and the sound of sleigh bells fast approaches. Read on to find out whether our projects will be on the “naughty” or “nice” list this year…
By Phantom (1 Sep 2023)
As the summer draws to a close, let’s take a look back at what we’ve been up to…
By Phantom (1 Jul 2023)
A new month is here, and you know what that means… Time for a quick project round-up!
By Phantom (1 May 2023)
Real life has hit our progress hard lately, but we remain as committed as ever to getting these translations out for all to enjoy!
By Phantom (1 Mar 2023)
Spring is finally on its way, bringing with it new beginnings (and hopefully some endings!)
By Phantom (1 Jan 2023)
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year from all of us here at the team! We’re sure you can probably guess what our New Year’s resolutions are…!
By Phantom (1 Nov 2022)
*Dusts away the cobwebs* We hope everyone had a fun Halloween that was as spooky or unspooky as you like. Here’s what we’ve been up to lately!
By Phantom (1 Sep 2022)
With Bakemonogatari Portable released, that brings us up to a total of four patches in the past year! Will we be able to make that five before the year is through? Here’s where things currently stand…
By Phantom (1 Jul 2022)
After our last jam-packed progress report things have been a little quieter these past two months, but we’re working on a lot of things behind the scenes.
By Phantom (1 May 2022)
Let’s jump straight in to what the team’s been up to lately. (Warning: this is going to be a long one!)
By Phantom (1 Mar 2022)
With one patch already released this year, you could say, we’ve started as we mean to go on!
By Phantom (1 Jan 2022)
New year, new projects (and of course, ongoing ones too!) To kick off the year we’re starting with the translations that we expect will be the first upcoming releases.
By Phantom (1 Nov 2021)
We’re here with another status report, and this one’s all treats and no tricks!
By Phantom (1 Sep 2021)
As promised, we’re back with another project round-up!
By Phantom (1 Jul 2021)
It’s been a quiet two months down at the AGT Team, but a busy one in real life!
By Phantom (1 May 2021)
Two months have flown by like the wind, but we’re excited to be back bringing you the latest news!
By Phantom (1 Mar 2021)
We’re back with another project roundup, and this time, we are happy to announce three new projects being undertaken by the Anime Game Translations team!
By Phantom (1 Nov 2020)
It’s been a busy few months, but we’ve had some exciting updates!
By Phantom (1 Sep 2020)
Where does the time go? This month we’re staring with something maybe a little unexpected…
By Phantom (1 Jul 2020)
And we’re back with another project round-up! This time, I’m excited to be bringing not just my projects, but updates from all of the AGT Team.
By Phantom (1 May 2020)
As promised, it’s time for another project round-up post!
By Phantom (1 Sep 2019)
Whew! It feels like two months have just flown by. This month, we’re starting with a new project…
By Phantom (1 Jul 2019)
I’m afraid that I have been going ghost on tumblr, more so than is acceptable even for a phantom. So from now on, I’ll try to post bi-monthly updates on projects!
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