May - June Progress Report

After our last jam-packed progress report things have been a little quieter these past two months, but we’re working on a lot of things behind the scenes. There’s also been patch updates for Death Note: Kira Game and Ore ga Omae o Mamoru with various typo fixes, so if you haven’t checked those games out yet, now is the time!

[NDS] Naruto RPG 2: Chidori Vs Rasengan

Naruto RPG 2: Chidori Vs Rasengan screenshot

Hello everybody, this is Ligudink of AGT here! Currently leading the translation of Naruto RPG2: Chidori VS Rasengan along with my colleague Syko. I’m proud to be working on this project that brings in the long lost sequel to Path of the Ninja 1 to English speakers! The translation will be completely based on the first game’s localization style for consistency’s sake as you can see in the screenshot posted. The voicework of the game will also be modded to include the English Dub voice clips featured in the third game (localized as POTN2).

The translation’s going smoothly, the story’s up to reaching Tanzaku Town and a decent chunk of the menus’ text were completed.

I hope you can feel the excitement just as much as I can!!

Till next time!

[PSP] Bakemonogatari Portable

Bakemonogatari Portable screenshot

Onto Bakemonogatari Portable, the translation has now been through two proofreading passes and is currently getting a final polish. We’re also working on trying to implement dialogue subtitles in the Delusion and Reminiscence modes. While neither are essential to the game, it’s something our hacker has been working on for a while which we’d really like to include, although it is proving to be incredibly challenging. 

Only time will tell whether it is possible to find a solution, or whether we’ll release a (still fully playable!) patch without.

[NDS] L - the ProLogue to Death Note: Spiraling Trap

L - the ProLogue to Death Note: Spiraling Trap screenshot

Translations for the L Communicator are now complete! This is an additional mode where the player can give L snacks and talk to him in real-time to build up a closer bond. 

Unfortunately, the space in that section of the game is very limited, so we’re having to do our own detective work to see if there are ways to make it all fit without crashing the game.

[NDS] Kimi no Yusha

Kimi no Yusha screenshot

Last but not least, we’ve finally finished writing up a transcription of all the images in Kimi no Yusha. Normally this isn’t something we’d consider progress report worthy, but boy was there a lot! Our graphics team has also been hard at work creating clean templates for the images, ready to be edited in the future.

Phantom is an admin and lead translator at the Anime Game Translations Team.