May - June Progress Report
We're back! And as promised, this time around we're introducing two exciting new projects! But first...
[NDS] Mushishi: Amefuru Sato
Ithyrial here with a special announcement!
The translation phase is complete! Once again I'd like to extend a HUGE thank-you to Phantom for helping get this done!
The playtesting phase won't be opened just yet due to some issues with the game crashing, but once we get that sorted out it'll be good to go. Until then, anybody interested in playtesting/proofreading/copyediting is welcome to go ahead and reach out so we can get you on board when the time comes!
[PS2] Fullmetal Alchemist 3: The Girl Who Succeeds God
Iredc from the AGT discord talking here! I'm proud to introduce a new project: "Fullmetal Alchemist 3: The Girl Who Succeeds God".
Released in 2005, it's the third FMA game for the Playstation 2, and like the previous entries, a blend of action and RPG. However, unlike the other titles, it was never released in English, something that we're working to fix now.
It's a pretty fun game, with some innovations like the possibility to control both Ed and Al to take advantage of their different abilities, a Tag Team battle mode, lots of unlockable secrets, and even a stealth gameplay level.
Illidan is working on the hacking part; extraction and repacking of files is done, while some work with the fonts is still needed. Phantom is editing the graphics. And I'm translating the text (around a third of it is done).
If you're a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist, be sure to check on our progress!
[NDS] Death Note: Successors to L
That leaves me, Phantom, to introduce the other of our two new projects, the long-awaited second Death Note DS game! Many of you may be aware that we've released English patches for the first and third Death Note games, so it was high time the second got the same treatment.
Successors to L features gameplay based on the board game "Scotland Yard". Avoid traps and the FBI on Kira's side, or hunt down and arrest Kira on the Investigator's side as you complete plot-relevant missions. Fans of less-major characters should be pleased by the game's impressive roster, with a story that spans the entire original series timeline.
Thanks to the efforts of creeper and blueraspberrysundae, two new translators who've joined us for this project, the translation has already reached an impressive 38%!
[NDS] Naruto RPG 2: Chidori Vs Rasengan
And last but not least, proofreading work continues on Naruto! As we mentioned in a previous ask, the final proofreading round has now passed the halfway point of the story, having reached the famous fight between Itachi and Kakashi. We hope to have the patch released as soon as life permits!