November - December Progress Report
New year, new projects (and of course, ongoing ones too!) To kick off the year we’re starting with the translations that we expect will be the first upcoming releases.
[NDS] Death Note: Kira Game
Death Note: Kira Game gets ever closer to completion. Work has begun on adding translations to the images, and proofreading and play testing for the story mode have largely been completed. Next, the team will be focusing on testing the Kira Game dialogue to ensure the game is easily understandable and free of overflowing text boxes.
Seeing everything come together is very motivating, and we hope you’re all as excited for the finished patch as we are!
[PS2/PSP] Soul Eater: Battle Resonance
As Battle Resonance turns over to the play testing phase, we’ve been making a lot of tweaks to enhance its performance. A new font has been embedded into the PSP version, which previously relied on the PSP’s bios font meaning emulator vs hardware performance varied greatly. With the new font, the PSP and PS2 fonts now occupy the same space, and all the lines which were too long and were causing errors have been rewritten to fit inside their respective text boxes.
We are looking into a recently discovered bug with our code for swapping the X and O inputs (these are reversed in Japan). As well, an issue has been resolved with the game’s input-pulling method which caused certain actions to be difficult to perform.
[NDS] Spice & Wolf: The Wind that Spans the Sea
Now, onto something new. Well, it’s not a new project per se, but translation work on the second Spice & Wolf game is finally underway with thanks to newcomer shnurks! The translation is proceeding slow and steady, currently standing at 35% complete.
[PSP] Bakemonogatari Portable
Lastly, we’re ending this update with a project that’s been on our wish list for a long time- Bakemonogatari! It didn’t seem possible to do at first due to the game’s unique, complicated compression, but after many attempts, our hacker Illidan was finally able to crack it. That wasn’t the only challenge this game has to offer though, as it’s also packed with pesky vertical text and hardsubbed cutscenes.
While translation work on this project hasn’t official started yet, a lot of work has been done on editing the images and recreating the cutscenes ready for their new, English subtitles.
And with that, another update draws to a close. We wish a very Happy New Year to all, and may 2022 bring another year of many successful translation patch releases!