September - October Progress Report
Grab your Trick-or-Treat spoils and let's tuck into another progress update!
[NDS] Mushishi: Amefuru Sato
The first proofreading pass of Mushishi is now complete! We've discovered four more bugs which we're looking into, and then we plan to give the translation a final read through before packaging it up ready for release.
[NDS] Death Note: Successors to L
Translator creeper has been creeping away at the remaining text, which now stands at 58% translated! We still have some work to do getting the English text into the game and looking good, but if L is to be believed, all this extra seasonal sugar can only help our brains, right...?
[PS2] Fullmetal Alchemist 3: The Girl Who Succeeds God
Quick update on "Fullmetal Alchemist 3: Kami o tsugu shoujo" by Iredc. Things keep moving forward after fixing some issues. For starters, we now have a translated title screen, and Phantom is checking the in-game new graphics, to make sure everything looks fine. Also, they fixed a problem with a few translated lines that were not showing.
The text translation is almost done by now, with the exception of some optional conversations, as well as a tutorial, which Illidan needs to dump first. Still working as well on a way to hard-sub the anime videos.
We hope this progress update, even short as it is, will be a nice post-Halloween surprise. Don't forget to check from time to time, for more news about FMA 3!