January - February Progress Report
We're back with another round of progress updates, and this time it's a hat-trick!
[PS2] Fullmetal Alchemist 3: The Girl Who Succeeds God
With the exception of the cutscenes, FMA 3 is now fully translated thanks to Iredc's hard work! We're still investigating how to add subtitles to those, but in the meantime our hacker, Illidan, has been making various fixes and improvements, including being able to create a patch which isn't the size of the original game(!)
[NDS] Death Note: Successors to L
Successors to L has now reached a whopping 70% translated thanks to translator creeper! Illidan has also been battling the nightmarish programming in this game, and has made great progress with both text and image insertion, as well as removing the hard-coded character limits in certain areas. Work still needs to be done on improving the font rendering, but we're hoping to emerge from this battle-of-wits victorious.
[NDS] Mushishi: Amefuru Sato
All known mushi bugs have now been accounted for, and the final proofreading round is making progress! We hope to have this patch out for everyone to enjoy in the near-ish future.
The Death Note: Kira Game patch has been updated to v1.3! This update fixes the Japanese text in Mello's Max Influence line, as well as a few other typos. Grab it here! Remember to use the original, Japanese game when updating.