July - August Progress Report

As promised, we’re back with another project round-up!

[NDS] Vampire Knight DS

Vampire Knight DS screenshot

We’re delighted to announce that the translation has now reached a whopping 95%! We mentioned in a previous ask that the graphics work was also complete, which means we’re well on our way to final playtesting.

Unfortunately, space limitations are proving to be the biggest roadblock, as our translation has ended up being almost a chapter longer than the original text. Our expert hacker Illidan has worked up some custom dictionary compression to help combat the problem, but there are still a few bugs to iron out.

[Wii] Soul Eater: Monotone Princess

Soul Eater: Monotone Princess screenshot

Graphics work has resumed on Monotone Princess, meaning we’re one step closer to the release. And since we’re talking graphics, we’ve decided to show off part of the gallery here!

We’ve spoken a little about our work on cutscene subtitles before, but what we didn’t mention is that the game contains 13 original, anime style cutscenes to go along with the story which we think fans are going to love.

[PS2/PSP] Soul Eater: Battle Resonance

Soul Eater: Battle Resonance screenshot

Translation is still paused for Battle Resonance, but we have also been working on updating some of the graphics for it. Pictured here is the ‘Soul Theater’ mode, exclusive to the PS2 release. In it, you can see screenshots from the first 24 episodes of the anime which unlock as you play.

[NDS] Death Note: Kira Game

Death Note: Kira Game screenshot

Lastly, our graphics team has been working on overdrive to create clean templates of the images for Kira Game, to be translated later. Interestingly, the credits for this game are completely in English, saving us quite the job!

Phantom is an admin and lead translator at the Anime Game Translations Team.