Latest posts tagged with kiragame

By Phantom (16 Feb 2022)
Death Note: Kira Game (デスノート: キラゲーム) patch by the Anime Game Translations Team
By Phantom (1 Jan 2022)
New year, new projects (and of course, ongoing ones too!) To kick off the year we’re starting with the translations that we expect will be the first upcoming releases.
By Phantom (28 Nov 2021)
What’s this, an update outside of our regular bimontly posts!?
By Phantom (1 Nov 2021)
We’re here with another status report, and this one’s all treats and no tricks!
By Phantom (1 Sep 2021)
As promised, we’re back with another project round-up!
By Phantom (1 Jul 2021)
It’s been a quiet two months down at the AGT Team, but a busy one in real life!
By Phantom (1 May 2021)
Two months have flown by like the wind, but we’re excited to be back bringing you the latest news!
By Phantom (1 Jul 2019)
I’m afraid that I have been going ghost on tumblr, more so than is acceptable even for a phantom. So from now on, I’ll try to post bi-monthly updates on projects!
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