November - December Progress Report
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year from all of us here at the team! We’re sure you can probably guess what our New Year’s resolutions are…
[NDS] Naruto RPG 2: Chidori Vs Rasengan
Hey all! Ligudink here! So uh…remember the lackluster update from last time? Well I [INSERT VIOLENT IMAGERY HERE] it!!! This time our juicy update is the following: THE STORY SCENARIO IS COMPLETE FROM START TO FINISH!
I will now focus on the NPC text, Onsen interactions, as well as the menus. I hope I can bring more updates to the table next time I write to you all. I wish you all an amazing new year! For all my fellow RHOK Watchers, a line happened to be very convenient for me to put a reference, so you’ll enjoy it for sure.
[NDS] L - the ProLogue to Death Note: Spiraling Trap
All of the missing text in L - the ProLogue to Death Note has been found, and the game is now 100% translated! We’ve also written up a walkthrough to help with some of the more tricky puzzles.
Unfortunately, time constraints have meant that we’ve not been able to make much progress bug-fixing, but we do hope to get things sorted soon so proofreading can go ahead. As for why these bugs are causing such an issue with trying to check the text, well, we thought it might be easier to show with a screenshot than tell(!)
A Chinese translation of Neon Genesis Evangelion: Shito Ikusei was recently added to ROMhacking.net. It was completed a few months ago but flew under the radar for us, so please check it out if you’re interested and show some support!