September - October Progress Report

We’re here with another status report, and this one’s all treats and no tricks! 

[PS2/PSP] Soul Eater: Battle Resonance

Soul Eater: Battle Resonance screenshot

As if the release of the Monotone Princess patch yesterday wasn’t exciting enough, Soul Eater fans should also be pleased to note that the translation of Battle Resonance has now reached 100%! Playtesting has also begun, although there are still a few ongoing technical issues which we’re working through.

[NDS] Death Note: Kira Game

Death Note: Kira Game screenshot

A considerable amount of progress has been made on Death Note: Kira Game since our last update. The story mode is now fully translated. The next step will be to translate the character dialogue used during the actual “Kira Game”. 

To give an idea of what this step entails, the game features 19 characters, each with over 100 unique lines. Already, the team has conducted a lot of playtesting in order to determine the way in which the characters and their lines are organized.

[NDS] Vampire Knight DS

Vampire Knight DS screenshot

Vampire Knight is now 100% translated! We’ve also managed to crack down on several problems with the character name tags, which, as it turns out, didn’t center correctly in the original game anyway. Unfortunately, we did have to remove the option for players to use a custom name, in favor of hardcoding all instances as “Yuki Cross”, but it means we’re finally at the stage of being able to start final playtesting!

Phantom is an admin and lead translator at the Anime Game Translations Team.