Latest posts tagged with bake

By Phantom (22 Aug 2022)
Bakemonogatari Portable (化物語ポータブル) patch by the Anime Game Translations Team
By Phantom (1 Jul 2022)
After our last jam-packed progress report things have been a little quieter these past two months, but we’re working on a lot of things behind the scenes.
By Phantom (1 May 2022)
Let’s jump straight in to what the team’s been up to lately. (Warning: this is going to be a long one!)
By Phantom (1 Mar 2022)
With one patch already released this year, you could say, we’ve started as we mean to go on!
By Phantom (1 Jan 2022)
New year, new projects (and of course, ongoing ones too!) To kick off the year we’re starting with the translations that we expect will be the first upcoming releases.
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