September - October Progress Report

The season for spooks has come and gone, and the sound of sleigh bells fast approaches. Read on to find out whether our projects will be on the “naughty” or “nice” list this year…

[NDS] Naruto RPG 2: Chidori Vs Rasengan

Naruto RPG 2: Chidori Vs Rasengan screenshot

So uhhh the last update was kind of a heart attack for you all. But I managed to squeeze in time in between my paid projects! I would like to proudly announce that the project is nearing completion thanks to the recruitment of fellow translator PSXCraver into the project. The Onsen interactions are now underway, and I gotta tell y'all that there are many scenarios you can find (60, in fact), so have fun!

The heavy lifting of the NPC text is almost done, BUT there’s something YOU guys can do! The game features messages from Japanese Contest winners scattered around the Ninja Academy, so we decided to let YOU people change that and enter in your messages instead. The message should be related to Naruto and be of 20 words max. Feel free to submit your message through this link.

[NDS] Mushishi: Amefuru Sato

Mushishi: Amefuru Sato screenshot

Ithyrial here! Those were a fast two months!

Translation is still ongoing; dialogue is roughly halfway done, but the rest of the game text has a long way to go, so I can’t provide an estimate for completion just yet. Sorry about that!

The team is still looking for extra helpers with this project and others. Anyone interested should make sure to reach out!

See ya next time! Hopefully with more interesting news, lol.

Phantom is an admin and lead translator at the Anime Game Translations Team.