July - August Progress Report
Where does the time go? This month we’re staring with something maybe a little unexpected…
[NDS] Ore ga Omae o Mamoru (Non-Anime)
You might remember me saying this project was on hold so I could focus on the others, but in the end it was bothering me that so much time had lapsed without anything being released that I just decided to buckle down on it, and it sure paid off! Translation is now at 100%! I also finished the images, so this (and Spice & Wolf), now have nice new title screen art on the projects list.
There’s a still more that needs doing first, but it will hopefully be ready to pass over for playtesting soon.
[NDS] Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Proofreading Gurren Lagann is at 37%, which also happens to be the chapter with one of the most heart-rending scenes of the series! After a few delays, we’ve set a goal to try and have the patch out by the end of the year.
[NDS] Spice & Wolf: My One Year with Holo
Translation on Spice & Wolf has reached a whopping 71%. This is the first time I’ve had such a precise way to measure progress while translating, and I’ve been absolutely astonished by the speed at which things have all being coming together! Of course, that’s also thanks to the legacy of hard work from previous translators that we have been able to build off, for which we’re eternally grateful
[Wii] Soul Eater: Monotone Princess
Last but by no means least, everyone at Operation Resonance have been working tirelessly with translator Haribeau taking the lead to also reach the massive goal of being 62% translated. If you just can’t wait, Soul Reaper has been posting his recordings used by translators to make up for the lack of a full let’s play of the game on YouTube, so be sure to check those out if you’d like a sneak peek of what to expect from the game!