Using Cheats

To go along with our patches, we've created translated cheat files for some of our Nintendo DS games. If a game has cheats available, you'll be able to download them from the patch page.

The file you'll need will depend on how you're playing the game.

The Cheat Databases we provide are based on DeadSkullzJr's NDS(i) Cheat Database (2023/12/25). If you have previously edited these files, your changes will be overwritten. If you would prefer to manually add cheats, see the "Manual" section below. (This does not apply to PC or Mobile users, with the exception of DraStic on Android.)

Select the platform you want to play on:

Click to filter:
Nintendo DS/DSi/3DS

Using TWiLightMenu (nds-bootstrap)

  1. Insert the SD card from your DS console/flash cartridge into your computer.
  2. Download the "usrcheat.dat" file and transfer it to the sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu/extras/ folder.
  3. Remove your SD card and insert it back into your console/flash cartridge.
  4. Power on your console and launch Twilight Menu++.
  5. Navigate to Spice and Wolf: My Year With Holo and press the "Y" button to see the game's info. Then, press the "X" button to open the cheats menu.
  6. Press the "A" button to select the cheats you wish to use. Once selected, the cheat will have a small x to the left of it.
    • Take note of any cheats which tell you to press a button, or combination of buttons to use.
  7. Press the "X" button to save your changes, then press "B" to go back.
  8. Launch your game, and the cheats should now be setup.
    • Cheats without button requirements will be automatically activated. For button-activated cheats, simply press the button(s) specified in the cheat description when you'd like to activate it.

Using a Flash Cartridge

The flash cartridge you are using will determine which cheat file you'll need, as well as where to place it. See the chart for more:

Kernels Cheat File File Location
AceKard 2 Menu cheat.dat SD:/__ak2/cheats/cheat.dat
cheats.dat SD:/__ak2/cheats/cheats.dat
cheats.xml SD:/__ak2/cheats/cheats.xml
usrcheat.dat SD:/__ak2/cheats/usrcheat.dat
AKAIO cheat.dat SD:/__aio/cheats/cheat.dat
cheats.dat SD:/__aio/cheats/cheats.dat
cheats.xml SD:/__aio/cheats/cheats.xml
usrcheat.dat SD:/__aio/cheats/usrcheat.dat
CycloDS Menu user.evoCheats SD:/CycloDS/user.evoCheats
DSTT Menu usrcheat.dat SD:/TTMenu/usrcheat.dat
EDGE Menu cheats.dat SD:/EDGE/cheats.dat
EZ-Flash V Menu usrcheat.dat SD:/EZ5Shell/usrcheat.dat
EZ-Flash V Menu (Original) ezarcode.dat SD:/CHT/ezarcode.dat
EZ-Flash Vi Menu usrcheat.dat SD:/EZ5Shell/usrcheat.dat
M3 Menu cheat.dat SD:/_system_/cheat.dat
M3 Sakura cheat.db SD:/SYSTEM/cheat.db
cheat_EN.db SD:/SYSTEM/cheat_EN.db
R4 Menu cheat.dat SD:/_system_/cheat.dat
R4i Menu usrcheat.dat SD:/R4iMenu/usrcheat.dat
SuperCard DSONE EOS usrcheat.dat SD:/_dsone/usrcheat.dat
SuperCard DSONE OS SCC Cheats SD:/scshell/cheat/SCC Cheats
SuperCard DSTWO EOS usrcheat.dat SD:/_dstwo/usrcheat.dat
Wood R4 usrcheat.dat SD:/__rpg/cheats/usrcheat.dat
Wood RPG usrcheat.dat SD:/__rpg/cheats/usrcheat.dat
YSMenu usrcheat.dat SD:/TTMenu/usrcheat.dat

At present, we are unable to support cheat formats for all Flash Cartridges. If your cartridge format is missing, please feel free to get in touch or try DeadSkullzJr's NDS(i) Cheat Databases.

Play on Emulators

Select the type of emulator you wish to use:

Click to filter:
PC Emulator

Using Cheats on melonDS

  1. Download the Spice and Wolf: My Year With Holo [MelonDS Cheats].mch file and move it to the same folder as your patched ROM.
  2. Rename the .mch file to have the same name as your patched ROM.
    • For example, if your game is Spice and Wolf: My Year With Holo(en-v1.X).nds, your cheats should be Spice and Wolf: My Year With Holo(en-v1.X).mch
  3. Open melonDS and load the game.
  4. Go to "System" in the top bar and make sure that "Enable Cheats" is ticked. Then, click on "Setup Cheat Codes".
  5. In the window that pops up, tick the check boxes for any cheats that you wish to use.
    • If the list is empty, make sure that you have completed steps 1-3 correctly. You can also customize the folder which MelonDS will look for cheat files in by going to "Config" > "Path Settings" and changing the "Cheat files path".
  6. Take note of any cheats which tell you to press a button, or combination of buttons to use, and press "OK".
  7. Your cheats should now be setup. Cheats without button requirements will be automatically activated. For button-activated cheats, simply press the button(s) specified in the cheat's description when you'd like to activate it.

Using Cheats on DeSmuME

  1. Download the "Cheat.dat" file and move it to your "DeSmuME\Cheats" folder.
  2. Open DeSmuME and load Spice and Wolf: My Year With Holo.
  3. Go to "Tools" in the top bar and make sure that "Disable Cheats" is NOT ticked. Then, click on "Cheats List".
  4. In the window that pops up, press the "Cheats Base" button near the bottom.
  5. Tick the check boxes to import all the available cheats, then press "Add". (You can ignore any Backlight Codes.)
    • If the list is empty, make sure that you have completed steps 1-4 correctly. You can also customize the folder which DeSmuME will look for cheat files in by going to "Config" > "Path Settings" and changing the Cheats path.
  6. Back in the original window, tick the check boxes for any of the imported cheats you wish to use. Take note of any cheats which tell you to press a button, or combination of buttons to use.
  7. *IMPORTANT* Press "Save" before closing the window.
  8. Your cheats should now be setup. Cheats without button requirements will be automatically activated. For button-activated cheats, simply press the button(s) specified in the cheat's description when you'd like to activate it.

Using Cheats on DraStic

  1. Download the "usrcheat.dat" file and transfer it to the "DraStic/Cheats" folder (replace the file if there's one there already).
  2. Open DraStic and load Spice and Wolf: My Year With Holo.
  3. Open the menu by pressing the up arrow or three dots symbol at the bottom of the screen, then press "Menu".
  4. Select "Cheat Database" and tap on any cheats you wish to use.
    • Take note of any cheats which tell you to press a button, or combination of buttons to use.
  5. Press the back button twice to return to your game.
  6. Your cheats should now be setup. Cheats without button requirements will be automatically activated. For button-activated cheats, simply press the button(s) specified in the cheat's description when you'd like to activate it.

Using Cheats on RetroArch

  1. Open RetroArch, tap "Online Updater" from the main menu, and press "Update Cheats". Wait for the download to finish.
  2. Load Spice and Wolf: My Year With Holo, and open the Quick Menu. (If you are using touch controls, you can do this by tapping on the RetroArch icon.)
  3. Scroll down and tap on the "Cheats" option.
  4. Select "Load Cheat File (Replace)", then go to "Nintendo - Nintendo DS".
  5. Use the Search tool to find Spice and Wolf: My Year With Holo.
  6. Scroll down to view the cheats and tap on the one you'd like to use. Press the toggle to "Enable" the cheat, then go back to the cheats menu. Repeat this for all the cheats you'd like to use.
    • Take note of any cheats which tell you to press a button, or combination of buttons to use.
  7. Press "Apply Changes" to save your changes, then press the play button in the bottom bar to return to your game.
  8. Your cheats should now be setup. Cheats without button requirements will be automatically activated. For button-activated cheats, simply press the button(s) specified in the cheat's description when you'd like to activate it.

Using Cheats on Delta Emulator

At the time of writing, Delta Emulator does not support importing cheats from a database. You will therefore have to add the cheats you wish to use manually.

You can find cheat codes online, or download our Spice and Wolf: My Year With Holo [MelonDS Cheats].mch file to copy and paste from (open the .mch file with a text editor).

  1. Open Delta and load Spice and Wolf: My Year With Holo.
  2. Press "Menu" to open the pause menu, then press the "Cheat Codes" button.
  3. From there, tap the "+" button at the top of the screen to add a cheat code. Enter the cheat name, then paste the cheat into the "CODE" box.

    Ensure that your code is formatted correctly, with spaces as demonstrated above.
  4. Once you add a cheat code, it will appear with a check mark to show that is enabled. To disable a cheat, tap on the cheat name.
  5. Your cheats should now be setup. Cheats without button requirements will be automatically activated. For button-activated cheats, simply press the button(s) specified in the cheat's description when you'd like to activate it.

Using Cheats on RetroArch

  1. Open RetroArch, tap "Online Updater" from the main menu, and press "Update Cheats". Wait for the download to finish.
  2. Load Spice and Wolf: My Year With Holo, and open the Quick Menu. (If you are using touch controls, you can do this by tapping on the RetroArch icon.)
  3. Scroll down and tap on the "Cheats" option.
  4. Select "Load Cheat File (Replace)", then go to "Nintendo - Nintendo DS".
  5. Use the Search tool to find Spice and Wolf: My Year With Holo.
  6. Scroll down to view the cheats and tap on the one you'd like to use. Press the toggle to "Enable" the cheat, then go back to the cheats menu. Repeat this for all the cheats you'd like to use.
    • Take note of any cheats which tell you to press a button, or combination of buttons to use.
  7. Press "Apply Changes" to save your changes, then press the play button in the bottom bar to return to your game.
  8. Your cheats should now be enabled. Cheats without button requirements will be automatically activated. For button-activated cheats, simply press the button(s) specified in the cheat's description when you'd like to activate it.

Add Cheats Manually

This guide will walk you through manually editing your Cheat Database. You don't need to follow this guide if you are playing on PC or Mobile, with the exception of DraStic on Android.

Add Cheats using r4cee


  • r4cce
  • The ROM of the game you'd like to use saved on your computer
  • A Windows computer, or a Linux/Mac computer using Wine


  1. Download r4cce.
    • If the download does not work, try using a different browser.
  2. Run r4cce and open the cheat database you wish to edit.
  3. Enter the game's name in the search bar at the bottom and press "Find" to check if an entry already exists.
    • If not, click "Add Game", then enter the game's title on the left. Then, press the "three dots" button next to the "Dup?" button, and navigate to the ROM. The Game ID should automatically update.
  4. With the game you want to edit highlighted, press "Add Code". You can find codes online, or for our patches, download the "[MelonDS Cheats].mch" file for your game and open it with a text editor.
  5. Type the name of the cheat into the "Code Title", then copy and paste the cheat code into the "Code List" box.
    Ensure that your code is formatted correctly, with new lines and spaces, as demonstrated above.
  6. Once you have finished editing, go to "File" > "Save" to save your updated cheat database.