Trailer Video

Anime Game Translations Team

  • Hacking: Illidan
  • Translation: Haribeau, Maa9
  • Graphics: Phantom
  • Font Identification: Syko
  • Special Thanks: Soul Reaper


Button Swaps: The game originally followed the Japanese control scheme, wherein O = select and X = back. These have been swapped in the patch.

Font: The PSP version originally relied on the PSP bios font, which meant it could look very different on hardware vs. an emulator. We embedded a new font into the game to remove this issue.

Versus Mode: The PSP version of the game contains an ad hoc mode allowing two local players to go head-to-head. To the best of our knowledge, this has been fully translated, but we were unable to test it so there may be some errors.

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If you're interested in re-translating this or any of our other patches into another language, be sure to visit our GitHub page where you'll find more information and tools.

About the game

Soul Eater: Battle Resonance is a traditional 2.5D fighting game that follows the story of the fan-favorite anime series. Released simultaneously for the PS2 and PSP, it features 11 unique stages and 13 characters to choose from, many of which are playable for the very first time.

The PS2 version contains the Soul Theater, an additional mode for viewing screenshots from the anime, as well as additional costumes for Maka, Black☆Star and Kid. The PSP version supports Ad Hoc multiplayer to play with friends over two devices, allowing both players to have their own dedicated camera.