July - August Progress Report
The AGT Team has a new home!
After weeks of working away, we're excited to finally be able to launch our new website! It's a one-stop shop where you can find news and downloads for all of our projects, as well as patch your games online and get detailed guides on how to play them. We hope it'll help make our translations more accessible to all. Once you've finished reading this post, why not take a look around?
We'll still be answering asks/messages on our tumblr, as well as cross-posting any major announcements there. So without any further ado, let's dive into this month's progress report...
[NDS] Naruto RPG 2: Chidori Vs Rasengan
We're pleased to announce that there's big news for Naruto fans too! In fact, you could say we're now on the Path to Release™.
Please keep your eyes peeled for more coming soon!
[NDS] Death Note: Successors to L
Moving from one big milestone to another; Successors to L is now over 50% translated thanks to the hard work of translator creeper!
The tutorial and story mode cutscenes are now fully translated, with the remaining text coming from the board-game sections, in which there are hundreds of unique character lines to discover.
On the hacking side, more work remains to be done on the VWF and wordwrapping in order to get the inserted translations looking as we want them.
[PS2] Fullmetal Alchemist 3: The Girl Who Succeeds God
Update on "Fullmetal Alchemist 3: Kami o tsugu shoujo" by Iredc - There's been quite a lot of progress in the font department, where Illidian solved many bugs like wordwrapping. A variable width font has been implemented as well.
Around half the graphics are already edited by Phantom (CG Gallery still on the works). As for the text translation, the main story, menus and quests were translated by myself (Iredc). The scenes with Winry and Sophie at the church are still pending translation.
Apart from this, we're working on some issues when generating the patch file (this game has a weird ISO format), and need to find a way to insert subtitles during the cutscenes.
This project looks very promising so far, so don't forget to check on our updates from time to time!
[NDS] Mushishi: Amefuru Sato
Ithyrial here with another update!
Those pesky bugs have been (mostly) taken care of, and the playtesting/proofreading phase has been opened! We've already brought on a few people, but that doesn't mean we don't have room for more, so please feel free to contact us if you're interested in helping out!
As some may be aware, we started a translation project for Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion on Nintendo DS in early 2022. Unfortunately the project has made very little progress during this time as other things always demanded our attention. However, we're pleased to say that the project has found a new home with it's original leader, Lance, where we hope that it will thrive and receive the attention it deserves. Japanese translators who may be interested in helping out should please contact Lance#6642 on Discord!