Opening Video

Anime Game Translations Team

  • Hacking: Illidan
  • Translation: Phantom
  • Video Editing: Illidan
  • Graphics: Phantom
  • Proofreading: Haribeau

Changes to the game

Button Swaps: The game originally followed the Japanese control scheme, wherein O = select and X = back. These have been swapped in the patch.

Vertical Text: All instances of vertical text in the game were replaced with rotated text to allow for more characters to be used.

Subtitle Centering: The in-battle subtitles were changed from being left aligned to centered, to be consistent with the movies (which are centered in the original version as well.)

Alphabetical Sorting: Filtering lines in alphabetical order originally sorted them into Japanese "aiueo" order. This was changed to follow Latin alphabetical order.

Install Data: The install data was designed to speed up load times for those playing the game using a UMD. While it can still be installed, it is not functional in the patched version.

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If you're interested in re-translating this or any of our other patches into another language, be sure to visit our GitHub page where you'll find more information and tools.

About the game

Based on the hit light novel/anime series of the same name, Bakemonogatari Portable is a game so true to its unique source material, the developers had to invent a new genre. In this “crazy mad delusional drama”, words become weapons in fast-paced dialogue battles.

The story mode follows the ordeals of Koyomi Araragi, a high school boy turned vampire and back again. Trouble soon gets a taste for him, as he encounters a cast of quirky characters with mysterious disorders that blur the lines between the supernatural and psychological.


Slow Text Load: The text may sometimes take a while to render for the first time, leading to empty menus/missing choices. This is an issue present in the original game, and is more apparent on hardware.

Save Game Text: Any saves made in the unpatched version of the game will still show the save information in Japanese until overwritten.

Communication Mode: The game contains an ad hoc mode allowing two local players to go head-to-head. To the best of our knowledge, this has been fully translated, but we were unable to test it so there may be some errors.

Battle UI Display: It is not explained in the game controls, but pressing the up/down buttons on the D-Pad toggles the display for the battle gauges and subtitles respectively.

Reminiscence/Delusion Subtitles: Despite our best efforts, we were unable to add subtitles to the Reminiscence and Delusion modes. Unless someone else is able to make a breakthrough, this will not be updated in future versions.